What to do if you are let go…My 6 tips to help you back on your feet

Anne-Marie Fox Consulting




1. It is not a reflection on who you are..

If you are let go remember that it is not a reflection of who you are as a person, all your years’ experience and your qualifications still belong to you. You still have this and own it. Try not to take it personally and try not to let it effect your confidence going forward.

2. Put an Action plan in place

, while it is easy for the self-doubt and worry to creep in, this is normal and do allow yourself a day or so to feel sorry for yourself (you do deserve it ); but after those 2 days, you need to then put and Action plan in place. Be kind to yourself; but get focused. Plan each day going forward.

3. Stay positive Start by working on your CONFIDENCE.

Write out a list of what you are proud of in your last few roles. Take your time over this. Think about times you were acknowledged for a job well done or times you felt that you really made a positive difference. Bank all these successes, this will be your go-to list every time your confidence begins to lag. Once you refer to this list and read it, you should start to move into a more POSITIVE frame of mind, which will help you back on your feet in your job search.

4. Get yourself NOTICED.

Take this time as an amazing opportunity. Ask yourself, what job do you want now, where do you want to work, what salary do you want. Plan out and write out what your ideal job is. From here, look at refreshing your CV. This is essential. Your CV is your first step in the door. Make sure you have it really well done, very professional, have your brand front and centre. Align this up with your LINKED-IN profile (more info on doing up a Super CV here – https://www.amfconsulting.ie/post/how-to-write-the-best-cv)

5. Get Networking

Networking is KEY – start networking straight away. Reach out to your previously colleagues/friends. Let them know you are looking for a new job. Reach out to your own contacts first and don’t be afraid to ask for advice and help.

On LinkedIn, start linking in with people that you admire and aspire to be; people that are in the jobs you would love to be in. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them and ask them how they got into those roles. Ask them to meet you for a coffee, face-to-face or virtual, link up with different companies that you would really like to work with. Surround yourself with people that inspire and encourage you. Remember that networking is KEY at this stage.

Start setting up job alerts, set them up on all the job websites, (Monster.ie, Jobs.ie, Irishjobs.ie, LinkedIn etc). Also contact 1 or maybe 2 good recruiters in the area that you are looking to work in. Build up a good rapport with them, try and meet them if you can.

6. Be open to change

Be open to CHANGE. Keep an open mind as to what your next step in your career will be. You might take this opportunity to change your focus, re-skill, go back to college or look at your current skills that are transferable. Now might be the time for you to make the change that you always wanted. BE flexible, maybe you might need to take a lower pay to get to where you want to go long term.

BE KIND TO YOURSELF – You will get back on your feet

Anne-Marie Fox Consulting








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